Kiarash Ertebati


Kiarash Ertebati


Rio de Janeiro, RJ


H: 21-2430-4216
W: 21-9974-2542


Occupation Voador
CEO, Air Adventures
Years at EA

From 10th Grade To: 12th Grade

School activities
When you left Rio/EA 1985
Most memorable experience at EA chopada on friday, someones party on saturday and papillon on sunday
What you did the summer after graduation a lot of hang gliding
Marital status divorced
Spouse xpouse
Children Marina
the best thing that has happened in my life
Other nothing to complain
College/University attended PUC-RIO
From the Guestbook:

Fala galera,
So good to see these pictures. Great memories.
After EA I went to PUC and studied engeneering. Got envolved with student directories and got some noisy parties goin. Baixou Gavea used to close on my party days.The campus was a blast.After PUC I worked in the field but ended up opening my own shop.Got married and Marina G. Ertebati came to the world with lots of love. Worked ten years with the mechanic shop and specialized in BMW . After the ten years i made my wife an EX and sold my shop and bought ten new hang gliders and went to Santa catarina to sell them. After four months came back to Rio and work as a Kitesurf and hangglider instrtuctor since. Its a tough life but no white hairs have grown on my head .I´m not sure if it was the wife or the work that was making the white hairs.
So galera, when anybody comes to Rio ,please get in touch so we can get together .My phone 9974-2542 2430-4216
It was so good to get together with the few that showed up here in december.
Happy new year to all
Take care everybody